Lesson 5: End-of-Day

End of Buy


The lead buyer will process all of the necessary paperwork which includes:

  1. Running two (2) copies each of the Dollar Analysis Display, Wholesale Books Purchased, Retail Books Purchased and Audit Trail (if requested)
  2. Completing the Cash Control Sheet and securing the signature of the Bookstore Manager
  3. Completing the Cash Reconciliation Sheet
  4. Processing the necessary Bill of Lading

Appropriate copies are to be given to the bookstore manager and sent to MBS immediately in the postage-paid, lime green envelope.


We do not store buyback money on ourselves, in our hotel rooms overnight, or in our cars during the daytime for any reason, for any amount of time, no matter what the circumstances. Period! Money is to be kept in a safe - one that we purchase if we have to. No exceptions! If a customer doesn't allow MBS to store a purchased safe and lock it within a secure area on school property (overnight and during the buyback), we do not do their buyback. No exceptions! Failure to heed these simple rules places the individual doing the buy and MBS funds at great unnecessary risk!


Proper storage of cartons of books is critical. Make sure that at the end of each day, the bookstore manager agrees with the number of MBS cartons stored at the store and initials the Daily Cash Control sheet.


If you are using MBS equipment that was sent to the bookstore, make sure you arrive in ample time to set it up and check to make sure it is in working order. Any problems with the physical setup should be directed to MBS Hardware Support.


Make sure the proper Bill of Lading is completed and the trucking company is called before you leave the store on the last day of the buy.


Expense report submission occurs through Kelly Services’ MBS Peoplenet Expenses portal. Please report incurred expenses accurately and within 60 days along with all necessary documentation. Near the end of MBS’s fiscal year in April, we will give you special instructions and timelines for submitting your expense reports. For instructions on how to submit your expense reports to Kelly Services, go to the following website: Link opens a new tabhttp://learn.peoplenet.com/help/en-us/wte/kell/

Lesson 5: Take the Quiz

Placed in a locked bag and hand-carried back to MBS
Deposit in a Bank of America or Commerce Bank
Turn in for cashiers check payable to MBS
Deposit to bank and/or turn-in for cashiers check
All of the above


Sent to MBS in a postage-paid envelope immediately upon the ending of the buy
Held and given to the Rep when you see him/her
Given to bookstore manager to process

Rep in charge
Bookstore Manager
Lead Buyer




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